Graz Museum digital

The digital transformation affects all areas of life. The Graz Museum and The Municipal Archive Graz fulfill their memory function firmly anchored in the present. Both institutions have set themselves the task of dealing creatively with these changes as part of their digital strategy, using new technologies, developing digital tools and using them to fulfill their respective core tasks. Digitalisation becomes an integrative part of the work of both institutes and follows the basic values ​​of digital culture: user-oriented, free, open culture, mobile and flexible.

Becoming Urban

Ausschnitt einer historischen Karte der Stadt Graz.

The research project Becoming Urban – Seeing and Understanding Urban Development illustrates the growth, change and ongoing urbanization of Graz in the long 19th century. The project not only provides an insight and overview of historical developments, but also creates a better understanding of Graz as we know it today.

Junge Stadt

Eine bunte Illustration mit bunten Blobfiguren und in der Mitte der Titel Junge Stadt.

In the “Junge Stadt”, children and students find Graz’s city history presented in an exciting and informative way with mini games and worksheets. All aspects of life in Graz and its history are represented in the “Junge Stadt”. All formats are available free of charge and online and can be used by educators in class, in the museum and practically at home.

360 GRAZ digital

Zwei Hände halten ein Tablet auf dem die Startseite zu sehen ist.

By extending the permanent exhibition The Story of Graz into the digital space, the Graz Museum meets its goal of being a contemporary history museum for all people. The digital offer follows the exhibition from the supposed first mention of Graz in 1128 to 2003, the year when Graz was European Capital of Culture.

Postcard collection Graz Museum Online

Eine kolorierte Postkarte mit dem Grazer Uhrturm.
Uhrturm gegen Nordosten, 1913, Sammlung Graz Museum

Detailed viewing and deciphering, zooming and rotating, diverse search options: Find a cultural and scientific-oriented approach to the postcard as an object with two sides – and many facets that make the city’s history visible. Most of the digital copies of the Graz Museum Online postcard collection are available for download free of charge.

topothek Graz

Auf dem Grazer Freiheitsplatz steht ein historisches Karussell.
Freiheitsplatz mit Karussel © Fam. Kammerhofer

The topotheque is a jointly created and edited online collection of remembrance culture as well as a regional historical reference work. The owners work together with the topotheists to develop the knowledge and history of the “objects”. All holdings and information about these objects are linked together on the user interface via keywords, dating, subject areas and location on the current city map and can therefore be optimally searched and filtered by users.

Schau Graz! digital

The exhibition Looking at Graz! 426 Views on the State of the City documented the concrete current state of Graz on the basis of 426 photographs, taken along the routes of the bus and tram. „Looking at Graz!“ invites you to get an idea of ​​the diverse, real forces, complex structures and problem areas that shape and transform the city. A total of 852 photographic documents offer the opportunity to take an online look at the districts of the city, away from the representative cityscape.


Eine Grafik mit weißem Hintergrund, auf dem das Netzwerk des Projekts dargestellt ist.

The EU project ReInHerit (Redefining the future of cultural heritage, through a disruptive model of sustainability) deals with the change and the future of museums and cultural heritage sites. The aim is to change and improve communication, collaboration and knowledge/innovation exchange between museums, heritage sites, funders and visitors, all of whom can become part of the network.


Grafik mit dem Titel der Ausstellung Exakt! Anton Paar vermisst die Welt.

The exhibition website exakt! The World of Anton Paar provides insights into the 100-year history of the company and the exciting history and world of measurement.